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Allegiance STEAM Academy Thrive

Enrollment FAQs

Frequently Asked Enrollment Questions

We have gathered our most commonly asked questions and answers related to enrollment. If you are in need of additional information or would like to connect with a member of our enrollment team, please email or call us at 909-600-6305.

  • ASA is a free public school and there is no cost for attendance, books, or instructional materials. Our schools participate in California's Universal Meals Program, designed to build on the foundations of the federal National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP).

  • Please begin by clicking the button below to create your account to submit and track your student's application to Allegiance STEAM Academy through our online SchoolMint admissions portal.

    Please note: Only parents/guardians may submit an application for their children.

    IMPORTANT: Please create your account using an active and valid email address that you check oftenDO NOT USE A MOBILE NUMBER FOR YOUR USERNAME. All admissions communication will be done via email.

    Already have an account?

    If you have created a SchoolMint account in the past, please enter your username and password below. If you have forgotten your SchoolMint username or password, please click forgot username or forgot password links displayed below.

    Enrollment will be offered based on available openings for each grade when spaces become available. Waiting lists will be formed for grades with more applicants than openings. The waiting lists will expire at the end of each school year.

    Click here to apply

    Proof of Residency

    • Everyone filling out an application must provide Proof of Residency. 
    • Acceptable Proof of Residency includes a RECENT (must be dated within the past 45 days) utility bill (gas, water, electric), mortgage documents, auto insurance policy, or rental agreement. 
    • The parent/guardian name must match the name on the Proof of Residency. 
    • The same Proof of Residency may be used for all children in the family. If the parent/guardian’s name does NOT match the name on the Proof of Residency, please see section below.

    Parent/Guardians and students living with another family

    • If the parent/guardian and student is currently residing with someone and cannot provide legal proof of residency, a utility bill (must be dated within the past 45 days) in the homeowner’s/renter’s name is still required to be uploaded. 
    • The homeowner/renter (person’s name on utility bill) must be present when the parent/guardian is filling out the application and must sign their name under Signature of Homeowner. 
    • The Allegiance STEAM Academy team will process each new enrollment and verify that all documents are correct. 
    • Periodic home visits by ASA personnel may be conducted to verify parent/student residency.
  • Open Enrollment

    Open enrollment, held every fall from October 17 through December 31, is your opportunity to submit an application for spring lottery consideration for the upcoming school year. During this period:

    • Families can submit applications online.
    • If applications exceed capacity, a public random lottery will be held in early spirng to ensure a fair selection process.
    • Waitlists are created for grades that reach capacity, and families will be contacted as spots become available.

    Rolling Admissions

    Missed the open enrollment period? Don’t worry! ASA offers rolling admissions throughout the year for grades with available space.

    • Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • Families will be notified of their child’s admission status promptly.
    • Waitlists are created for grades that reach capacity, and families will be contacted as spots become available.
  • Yes! Families who miss the Open Enrollment window can be added to our wait list after the lottery has taken place. The online application will reopen for post lottery applicants after the lottery is completed. Please be sure you have submitted your application via our online admissions portal to be notified when the post lottery applications reopen, check the status of your application, and monitor your waitlist number. All admissions offers are communicated through your admissions portal. The waiting lists will expire at the end of each school year.

  • No. Charter schools are free public schools and available for any California resident, however an enrollment priority is given to families who reside within the territorial jurisdiction of the school district in which the ASA campus is located.

    • All students may apply and are eligible for enrollment. 
    • All students are enrolled without regard to grade point average, test scores, discipline records, etc. 
    • ASA Thrive will use an open enrollment admission policy for all California students, and does not discriminate on the basis of residency, gender, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, immigration status, ethnic and racial background, language spoken, religion or political belief, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code or any other characteristics described in Ed Code 220. 
    • ASA Thrive is a free public charter school and will not charge tuition.

    Homeless and Foster Youth

    No Foster Youth or homeless student will be denied the opportunity to apply for enrollment at ASA Thrive. Please contact the ASA office at (909) 465-5405 or for more information or help in completing an application for a Foster Youth or homeless student.

    Statement of Non-Discrimination

    ASA Thrive shall not require a parent/legal guardian/student to provide information regarding a student’s disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, legal or economic status, primary language or English Learner status, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code, or any other information that would violate federal or state law, prior to admission, participation in any admissions or attendance lottery, or pre-enrollment event or process, or as a condition of admission or enrollment. ASA Thrive may request, at the time of, and as part of, conducting its lottery process, the provision of information necessary to apply specific admissions preferences set forth in its Charter. ASA Thrive shall not request or require submission of a student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or any other record or related information prior to admission, as a condition of participation in any admissions or attendance lottery, for any pre-enrollment event or process, or as a condition of admission or enrollment.

  • No. Our online application will provide an option to apply to either or both of our ASA campuses. Applying for a spot at both of our campuses will not have any effect on your chance for placement at either location.

    If my student is currently enrolled at one ASA campus, does that give them a priority for the other ASA campus?

    No. Being enrolled at one campus does not give a priority when applying to another campus.

  • Yes, Allegiance STEAM Academy accepts all students. We have a comprehensive Special Education program. If you have specific questions about our Special Education program, please contact our Special Education Department.

  • No. Once enrolled, a student may attend ASA through the end of 8th grade. Each spring, families of currently enrolled students will be asked to complete Returning Student Registration to help us know if we will have vacancies in our grade levels in the following school year.

  • If a lottery is needed (Education Code 47605[e][2]), the date of the lottery will be communicated after the conclusion of open enrollment.

    Following the Open Enrollment period, all applications received during this time will be counted to determine if any grade level has received more applications than available seats for the upcoming school year. If the number of applications exceeds the available spots, a random public lottery will be held, on a published date in the spring to determine enrollment and waitlist status for the impacted grade levels.

    • At the conclusion of the public random lottery, all students who were not granted admission will be placed on a wait-list according to their draw in the lottery, except if the preferences described above require otherwise. 
    • Once the school year begins, sibling preference applies to students on the wait-list who are siblings of students currently enrolled. The wait-list will allow students the option of enrollment in the case of an opening. 
    • Under no circumstance will a wait-list carry over from one year to the next. Students remaining on the wait-list at the end of each school year must go through the open enrollment process for the following school year if they remain interested in attending the school. 
    • Families need not be present to participate in the lottery drawing. Families promoted from the wait-list will be contacted when there is an opening. 
    • Contact may include email, personal phone call, and/or U.S. Postal Service. 
    • Parents/Guardians will have five (5) business days from the date of first notification to respond if the offer was made prior to school beginning. In addition, the school will attempt on at least one (1) additional occasion to contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) of students promoted from the wait-list during the five (5) days.
    • Those families not responding within the five (5) days will forfeit their right to enroll their student in the school, and the next student on the wait-list will be contacted to fill the open position. 
    • Parents who forfeited their right to accept enrollment when offered, but are still interested in enrolling at ASA Thrive at another time must reapply.


    Lottery Preferences

    In accordance with California State Education Code 47605 (e)(2), in the event that there are more applications than there are seats available, admission will be determined via a public, random lottery, with preference given to:

    • Currently enrolled students (exempt from lottery);
    • Siblings of students currently enrolled (exempt from lottery);
    • Children residing within CVUSD boundaries (2:1 weighting in lottery);
    • Children residing within ASA attendance area will be given preference (3:1 weighting in lottery).
    • All students who are not offered admission at the time of the public admissions lottery will be placed on a wait-list until it is cleared at the end of the academic year for which it was drawn, unless the parent/guardian requests their child be removed from the wait-list prior to that time.
    • If a space should become available, families will be contacted in the order of the wait-list.
    • If the offer is extended prior to the first day of school, then families will have 5 business days to respond whether the offer is being accepted or declined.


  • Siblings of students placed in a spot during the random public lottery will also be placed IF there is an available spot in the given grade level during the lottery. If space is not available in the sibling’s grade level, that sibling will be placed on the Sibling Priority waitlist. The remaining names will be placed on a waitlist based on the order drawn in the lottery for each grade level.

  • After the lottery is conducted, you will receive an email with either an offer of an available seat or your child’s waitlist number. You may also log into your online SchoolMint application portal at any time to see your child’s current waitlist number. Families are invited to attend the lottery, however attendance is not required.

  • After the lottery, you may also log into your online SchoolMint application portal at any time to see your child’s current waitlist number. The waitlist updates in real time. 

    PLEASE NOTE If your child is on the waitlist and his or her position has moved down a position or two, it is most likely due to another applicant on the same grade level waitlist becoming eligible for sibling priority. If a sibling is placed on the sibling priority list, that student moves to the top of the waitlist for that grade, thus causing other non-sibling applicants to move down a spot on the waitlist. 

  • If your child is offered admission to ASA, you will be required to upload the following documents to your SchoolMint admissions portal within 3 days of receiving the admissions offer:

    • Copy of current Immunization record;
    • Proof of birth date;
    • Proof of parent identification;
    • Proof of grade level, if applicable (something from your child’s current school that shows their name, school name, grade level and the school year.)
    • Copy of student’s IEP or 504 Plan, if applicable - This information helps the school prepare to give your child the best education possible starting on day one;

    Our enrollment staff will review and verify all uploaded documents. You will receive an notificaiton and unique link from PowerSchool Enrollment, which created a student profile in our online Student Information System. When you receive this email, simple click on the link to complete the required forms, which include:

    • Admission Application, Home Language Survey, and Emergency Medical Information Form;
    • Parent signature on Technology Use Agreement, Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk Form, and Photograph/Media Waiver;
    • Emergency Contact Information;
    • Oral Health Assessment for Kindergarten; 
    • and 190 Report of Health Examination for School Entry.

    In order to ensure that your child is fully enrolled, you are required to complete any necessary paperwork by the deadlines set by the school or the offer admission will be rescinded and the next student on the waitlist will be contacted.

  • Chino Campus: Our TK and Kindergarten programs are half-day.

    Click here to see the Chino campus bell schedule

    Fontana Campus” Our TK program is half-day and our Kindergarten program is a full day. 

    Click here to see the Fontana campus bell schedule

Schedule an Online Information Session

Schedule a 1:1 online information session with an ASA enrollment specialist by clicking the button below:

Click here to schedule an online information session

We're Here to Help!

If you have any questions, or need assistance filling out the enrollment forms, we will gladly walk you through each step.

Email us at
Call us at 909-600-6305