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Allegiance STEAM Academy Fontana

Thank you for your interest in Allegiance STEAM Academy Thrive!

2023-2024 ASA Fontana Enrollment

Welcome to ASA Fontana! We are currently accepting applications for the 23-24 school year. Although the Open Enrollment period recently passed, families may still submit an application!

We invite all families to go on a LIVE virtual tour with ASA Fontana Principal, Mr. Espinoza, to learn more about our programs. Simply click below to schedule an English or Spanish tour of your choice!

Please remember to carefully read the “Frequently Asked Questions,” “Application Process,” and “Education Code Section 47605(e)(4)” sections below before filling out an application for (each of) your child(ren).

You may call or text us at (909) 258-9937 and will be happy to answer your questions!

Register for an online & personalized campus tour today!

School Mint Account

If you already have a SchoolMint account, please login here using your email address as your user name.

If you have never created an account, you can create one by clicking on the Admission Link.

If you have trouble logging on to SchoolMint please contact us at [email protected] or (909) 258-9937.

Frequently Asked Questions

For admission to ASA Thrive, students apply directly to the school via SchoolMint. ASA Thrive will use an open enrollment admission policy for all California students, and does not discriminate on the basis of residency, gender, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, immigration status, ethnic and racial background, language spoken, religion or political belief, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code or any other characteristics described in Ed Code 220. ASA Thrive is a free public charter school and will not charge tuition.

ASA Thrive shall not require a parent/legal guardian/student to provide information regarding a student’s disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, legal or economic status, primary language or English Learner status, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code, or any other information that would violate federal or state law, prior to admission, participation in any admissions or attendance lottery, or pre-enrollment event or process, or as a condition of admission or enrollment. ASA Thrive may request, at the time of, and as part of, conducting its lottery process, the provision of information necessary to apply specific admissions preferences set forth in its Charter. ASA Thrive shall not request or require submission of a student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or any other record or related information prior to admission, as a condition of participation in any admissions or attendance lottery, for any pre-enrollment event or process, or as a condition of admission or enrollment.

Admission to ASA is open to all students in California wishing to attend the school. ASA offers Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grades.To be admitted to Kindergarten, a child must reach the age of five (5) on or before September 1st of the year he/she is starting school. ASA will provide Transitional Kindergarten to children turning five (5) between September 2nd and April 2 of the year they are starting school.

In accordance with California State Education Code 47605 (e)(2), in the event that there are more applications than there are seats available, admission will be determined via a public, random lottery, with preference given to:

Children of ASA Fontana Founders (exempt from lottery; shall not exceed 10% of enrollment; this admission preference is only applicable in the inaugural year)

Children of ASA Thrive staff (exempt from lottery; shall not exceed 10% of total enrollment);

Children residing within Fontana USD boundaries (2:1 weighting in lottery);

Children residing within ASA attendance area will be given preference (3:1 weighting in lottery). The ASA attendance area will be shared once the location of the school is confirmed.

All students who are not offered admission at the time of the public admissions lottery will be placed on a wait-list until it is cleared at the end of the academic year for which it was drawn, unless the parent/guardian requests their child be removed from the wait-list prior to that time.

If a space should become available, families will be contacted in the order of the wait-list.

If the offer is extended prior to the first day of school, then families will have 5 business days to respond whether the offer is being accepted or declined.

See below under Lottery for more information

Everyone filling out an application must provide Proof of Residency. Acceptable Proof of Residency includes a RECENT (must be dated within the past 45 days) utility bill (gas, water, electric), mortgage documents, auto insurance policy, or rental agreement. The parent/guardian name must match the name on the Proof of Residency. The same Proof of Residency may be used for all children in the family. If the parent/guardian’s name does NOT match the name on the Proof of Residency, please see section below.
If the parent/guardian and student is currently residing with someone and cannot provide legal proof of residency, a utility bill (must be dated within the past 45 days) in the homeowner’s/renter’s name is still required to be uploaded. The homeowner/renter (person’s name on utility bill) must be present when the parent/guardian is filling out the application and must sign their name under Signature of Homeowner. The Allegiance STEAM Academy team will process each new enrollment and verify that all documents are correct. Periodic home visits by ASA personnel may be conducted to verify parent/student residency.

No Foster Youth or homeless student will be denied the opportunity to apply for enrollment at ASA Thrive. Please contact the ASA office at (909) 258-9937 or [email protected] for more information or help in completing an application for a Foster Youth or homeless student.

At the conclusion of the public random lottery, all students who were not granted admission will be placed on a wait-list according to their draw in the lottery, except if the preferences described above require otherwise. Once the school year begins, sibling preference applies to students on the wait-list who are siblings of students currently enrolled. The wait-list will allow students the option of enrollment in the case of an opening. Under no circumstance will a wait-list carry over from one year to the next. Students remaining on the wait-list at the end of each school year must go through the open enrollment process for the following school year if they remain interested in attending the school. Families need not be present to participate in the lottery drawing. Families promoted from the wait-list will be contacted when there is an opening. Contact may include email, personal phone call, and/or U.S. Postal Service. Parents/Guardians will have five (5) business days from the date of first notification to respond if the offer was made prior to school beginning. In addition, the school will attempt on at least one (1) additional occasion to contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) of students promoted from the wait-list during the five (5) days.Those families not responding within the five (5) days will forfeit their right to enroll their student in the school, and the next student on the wait-list will be contacted to fill the open position. Parents who forfeited their right to accept enrollment when offered, but are still interested in enrolling at ASA Thrive at another time must reapply.

Application Process

Education Code Section 47605(e)(4)

(A)A charter school shall not discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in the charter school for any reason, including, but not limited to, academic performance of the pupil or because the pupil exhibits any of the characteristics described in clause (iii) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2).

(B) A charter school shall not request a pupil’s records or require a parent, guardian, or pupil to submit the pupil’s records to the charter school before enrollment.

(C) A charter school shall not encourage a pupil currently attending the charter school to disenroll from the charter school or transfer to another school for any reason, including, but not limited to, academic performance of the pupil or because the pupil exhibits any of the characteristics described in clause (iii) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) including pupils with disabilities, academically low-achieving pupils, English learners, neglected or delinquent pupils, homeless pupils, or pupils who are economically disadvantaged, as determined by eligibility for any free or reduced-price meal program, foster youth, or pupils based on nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. This subparagraph shall not apply to actions taken by a charter school pursuant to the procedures described in subparagraph (J) of paragraph (5) of subdivision (b), procedures by which pupils can be suspended or expelled from the charter school for disciplinary reasons.

If a person suspects that the charter school is in violation of the enrollment practices described above, a complaint can be filed with the chartering authority, Chino Valley Unified School District.

This notice is available to any current or prospective parent or guardian at any time, including:

(i) when a parent, guardian, or pupil inquires about enrollment

(ii) before conducting an enrollment lottery

(iii) before disenrollment of a pupil.

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