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Allegiance STEAM Academy Thrive

Personalized Learning Environment

Personalized Learning Environment

ASA emphasizes creating personalized learning environments for students by implementing several key strategies and practices including:

Individualized Student Progress Monitoring

  • Teachers adhere to Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to monitor student progress and provide targeted interventions. This ensures that students receive the specific support they need to meet their academic goals.
  • Educators employ data-driven practices, regularly analyzing universal reading skills screening assessments as well as nationally normed math and reading comprehension tests, to evaluate individual student progress and tailor instruction accordingly.

Enrichment Opportunities

  • During the school day, all students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of enrichment programs, including hands-on experiences in the STEAM Lab, world language instruction, music, and arts, which allow students to pursue their interests and develop unique talents. 

Differentiated Instruction

  • ASA teachers employ differentiated instruction to meet diverse learning needs. This approach allows educators to adjust content, process, and product based on students’ readiness, interests, and learning profiles, ensuring every student is challenged and supported appropriately.

Student-Driven Learning Experiences

  • The Engineering Design Process (EDP) is embedded into the curriculum, encouraging students to engage in inquiry-based learning. This supports personalized learning by allowing students to explore solutions to real-world problems driven by their own ingenuity at their own pace.

Inclusive Practices

  • ASA includes support systems for students with disabilities, those identified as gifted, and students identified as English Learners, ensuring that all students thrive in a personalized learning environment. 
  • Teachers recognize and embrace commonalities and differences amongst students to provide the guidance, resources and support needed to ensure access to challenging learning experiences that foster participation and growth.

Flexible Learning Spaces

  • Creative classroom organization promotes collaborative and flexible learning spaces, enabling personalized learning experiences. By design, teachers plan for group work, independent study, and teacher-led instruction, all of which can be adjusted based on the students’ needs.

Focus on Social-Emotional Development

  • ASA incorporates skills like self-awareness, emotional regulation, and effective communication into its curriculum and daily practices. Helping students develop their emotional well-being complements their academic learning and contributes to a personalized, student-centered approach.

Family and Community Engagement 

  • ASA actively involves caregivers and the community in the learning process, reinforcing the personalized nature of its education. Regular parent/guardian workshops and events provide insight to the daily experiences of students, equipping families with meaningful ways to participate in their child’s education. 
  • Engagement is a two-way street at Allegiance. We regularly solicit feedback from families, parents and guardians to strengthen their children’s experiences and educational program.



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